The Bozick Family

Lemons, Organic Lemons

Valencia Oranges, Minneola Tangelos, Fairchild Tangerines, Royal Mandarins

Red, Green and Black Seedless Table Grapes, Red Seeded Table Grapes

How we got here.

My family bought our first citrus ranch in the early 1980s, but the farming operation here in Mecca began in 1952, when my grandmother, Lucile Tidwell, became an original founder of the business.

The next generation.

Farmers are very innovative and always at the cutting edge on how to grow a better product for the consumer. Using solar power on the farm is one of the most significant changes I’ve seen in our operation, and I hope to see it continue through to the next generations.

Why I love being a Sunkist grower.

There’s an old farming saying that “every year is a new year,” and it’s really true. No year is just like last year; no day is just like the day before. The crop size might be different, the weather might be different, the market might be different. Your world is never the same, and that is one of the greatest things about being a farmer.

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